- Rainbow -
“ It is human destiny to shine and give ray of hope to the world…“
Firefly is an insect that live its entire adult life less than ten percent of the of its whole existence. It spends ninety percent of its life as eggs, larva and pupa. But as it finally fly out to the world, it shines the most efficient light ever known to man.
Almost hundred percent of its energy is emitted as light! Comparing the efficiency of regular light bulbs at ten percent and the top of the line fluorescent lights at ninety percent.
The shining stars of flying bugs spend their short full-grown life busy emitting such amazing beautiful flickering ray that some are known not to have time to eat during their entire adulthood. In other words, we could say, they were born to shine!
However short their lives maybe, as they emerge into the night they bring delight and surprises to our world. And it is said that even the brightest light from the fullest moon seems to fade away to the existence of these little bugs of fire. . and the night wind happily sings to its shining flickering tunes.
Many times do we not feel like we are just about to emerge into something shiny and bright ? We can feel rapped, stuffy, and caged. Yet we could sense that a beautiful glistering is on its way. Sometimes we may feel like egg larva or pupa but yet we always know we will eventually emerging to a shiny gem to enchant the world.
It is human destiny to shine and give ray of hope to the world, and that is what one must finally do. However brief a time we may have to shine...
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