- Rainbow -
Some may ask why? To merely survive in today’s world is challenging enough. Do we really need a smile? Probably not. Although it would be a bonus to be able to carry a smile during most of our days. Just like it’s nice to have candies or ice cream or chocolate in your hand, it is kind of nice to have a smile on your face. Isn’t that so?
But unlike candies, ice cream or chocolate, smiles are not something that can be bought. An ice cream sometimes can bring a smile to your face, but a smile can also beget another smile; kind acts from one can bring a smile on another’s face. But try having a genuine smile on its own… it’s not that easy.
How exactly do some people have a smile on their face all the time then? It’s a question for which there is no simple answer. Well, we think it’s an accumulation of happiness. Probably bits and pieces of bliss and joy here and there. Once it accumulates, it kind of spills over and reflects in a smile. It’s a kind of thing that needs no intention. It is just the overflow of joy spilling over and across — on the face.
At this point, smiling seems like a lot of work, isn’t it? It sounds like saving up in your piggy bank every day and waiting for it to be filled up, which could take ages. But maybe it won’t take that long if your piggy bank is not a big one. That’s probably why most kids smile a lot more than adults… their piggy bank containers are much smaller than that of adults, isn’t this so?
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